Announcement of the Abel Laureate 2024
President Lise Øvreås at the Abel prize annoncement 2022. Foto: DNVA/Gyro
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters awards one of the world’s most prestigious prizes in the field of mathematics: The Abel Prize. The board of The Academy appoints the recipient of the Abel Prize 2024 after receiving a nomination from the Abel committee. Learn more about the five internationally recognized mathematicians in the committee here.
The announcement takes place in the Academy’s stately house in Oslo. After the laureate has been announced by the Academy’s president Lise Øvreås, head of the committee Helge Holden will present the citation.
This year's event will be hosed by math communicator Matt Parker, who will give a popularized presentation of the laureate’s work and lead a short interview with the laureate. Parker is internationally known as a comedian, lecturer, YouTuber and a bestselling author.
Practical informasjon
The announcement will be streamed on abelprize.no and the
Abel Prize YouTube-chanel.
Project leader Pål Pettersen
E-mail: pal.pettersen@dnva.no Phone: + 47 415 10 974
Press contact Unni I. Kvam
E-mail: u.i.kvam@dnva.no
Phone: +47 95 172 672
President Lise Øvreås announces the Abel laureate 2024
Helge Holden presents the citation
Matt Parker gives a popularized presentation of the laureate’s work
A brief interview with the laureate led by Matt Parker.